Intelligence and Aptitude test
- This test measures eight abilities namely Cognition, Reasoning, Figural Memory, Spatial, Verbal, Social, Numerical ability and Numerical Memory and five orientations namely Knowledge, Practical, Artistic, Social and Power as well as coping styles.
- This standardized test is based on Guilford's Structure of Intellect (SOI) model. This test is available online and can be administered all over India.
- Online as well as written Group testing in schools and colleges is possible all over India. There is no difference in the test content of online and written form.
- Psychologists are trained for test administration and supervision.
- Reports are given within 10 to 15 working days for written test. Test report is available in any English, Marathi and Hindi language.
- Student report consists of the scope for improvement as per test scores in detail along with the Future planner booklet.
- Trained career advisors of JPSS conduct the guidance sessions. In case of the group guidance sessions report explanation is done in groups and stream suggestions are given on individual basis. At least one parent should accompany the student to attend the guidance session. The duration of individual guidance session is approximately half an hour.
- Career advisors explain the report thoroughly while considering the family background of the student, student's interest and what the actual test report suggests after which educational field is suggested. All the queries and problems regarding the student's career are discussed by the career advisor in the session.
- This test measures eight abilities namely Cognition, Convergent thinking, Evaluation, Visual Reasoning, Numerical ability, Spatial, Verbal and Social and Five orientations namely Knowledge, Practical, Artistic, Social and Power. It also measures coping styles and personality factors.
- This test is useful for students after first year (F.Y.), post graduates and people who wish to change their job- who are facing difficulties and want to improve their abilities in the specific fields, working women as well as housewives.
- Individual guidance is provided which is based on the personality type, individual preference, coping style and potentials of the candidate. Guidance session lasts up to 1 hour with expert career advisors where report is explained in detail and provides complete satisfaction to the candidates solving all the queries.
Battery for Entrepreneur Aptitude Measurement
- Standardized tool to understand your Skill-sets, Personality and areas of improvement (individual basis) in the light of Entrepreneurship
- Measures Six potentials, Five Priorities, Achievement Motivation, Seven facets of Coping styles and Eight Personality Traits which are essential for Entrepreneurship
- Graphical and Verbal Report Format which gives exact idea about strengths and areas of improvement at a glance.
- Avail necessary training, mentoring and also handholding with the industry experts from various fields as per individual requirements by separate mentoring wing 'Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)'.
After this psychometric test is taken report explanation and mentoring is provided to the candidate.
Test measuring aptitude for engineering
- This test measures abilities and orientations necessary for engineering as a career path.
- Test takes 1 hour 30 minutes to complete.
- This test is available in English and Marathi languages.
This test measures four abilities namely Cognition, Reasoning, Spatial, Numerical ability and five orientations namely Knowledge, Practical, Artistic, Social and Power. This test is currently available in paper pencil format. The web version of this test will be available soon.
Career Advisor Training Program
- The two day's training program is conducted twice a year in Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha, Pune.
- The purpose of this training program is to orient people about the various educational streams.
- This program is helpful for all the individuals working in and/or wish to work in educational field.
In this program, expert lectures are arranged. This helps the individuals to gain information about the upcoming educational streams. This program will be available online in near future.
Personality test for Merchant Navy
- This test measures personality factors necessary for Merchant Navy as a career path.
- Test takes 1 hour 30 minutes to complete.
- This test is available in English and Hindi languages.
Intelligence Test, Adjustment and Personality
- i-Tap test measures three abilities namely linguistic ability (verbal ability), symbolic ability (numerical ability), social ability and four personality dimensions: confidence, openness (sociability), emotionality and self-sufficiency.
- Abilities enhancement program is also available on individual's choice.